I am a man of many hobbies. Last summer I rekindled an old hobby.
Museum shops
It started in a museum shop in Sweden. It is one of my favorite things in a musuem to visit. I hardly ever buy anything, but I like to look at the stuff they sell there.
We were at Moderna Museet in Stockholm - Sweden. I went into the museum shop before I went into the museum itself. On one of the shelves I saw a few Lomography simple use reloadable film camera's.
The early years
In my teens/early twenties I used to do a lot of analog photography. I got entrie shoeboxes full of prints. Mainly of my scouting summer camps, but also of just evenings with friends. I used to take my camera everywhere.
I had multiple camera's:
- Praktika Super TL2
- Olympus OM-2n
- Minolta Dynax 505si super
I mainly shot black and white film. I even developed a few rolls myself.
Then came my first digital camery: the Canon EOS 450D. I have taken so many pictures with those camera's.
But then I took up different hobbies, and photography moved to the background.
Until the 6th of August 2024 when I bought the Lomography Simple Use camera in Moderna Museet. I shot my first roll in 15 years during the vacation in Sweden. And then my next roll as well.
When we got back home, I went to the attic to find all my old camera's. I dropped off over 20 rolls of old undeveloped films, bought new film, and started shooting again.
The films I had developed contained some old photo's from my brothers wedding, more camping trips with scouting, some trains and boats, but most of all a lot of memories.
I now have several film camera's. I shoot the occasional color film, but mainly black and white. I develop my own film again, because the labs have gotten really expensive lately. I scan the negatives with my digital camera.
Man this is fun!