Radio waves around the world
It finally happened! I had a radio contact with Australia!
I was participating again with the PACC contest. While searching up and down the 20m band for points to score I heard VK2YI. It really was, unbelievable. His signal was just as strong as many of the European stations I was working for the contest. When I answered his CQ he could hear me, and even gave me a 57 report! My 59 report confirmed the contact from my side and made the QSO official.
I am a man of many hobbies. Last summer I rekindled an old hobby.
Museum shops
It started in a museum shop in Sweden. It is one of my favorite things in a musuem to visit. I hardly ever buy anything, but I like to look at the stuff they sell there.
We were at Moderna Museet in Stockholm - Sweden. I went into the museum shop before I went into the museum itself. On one of the shelves I saw a few Lomography simple use reloadable film camera's.
Amsterdam DX Certificate
On January 12, 2024 I became a member of the Amsterdam DX Certificate (ADXC). This is an award for contacting Amsterdam HAM operators. If you work an ADXC amature you get one point. If you have 6 points, you are eligible for the award.
Contact 6 ADXC-member amatures, you get the award. Since this is an Amsterdam award, if you live in or near Amsterdam it would become a lot easier to contact AXDC-members. Amatures in the Dutch regions 02 and 04 need to work 10 ADXC-members to get the certificate.
FT-8 on X6100 and Apple Mac
How to setup FT-8 on an Xiegu X6100 and Apple Mac
So I got this new radio, the Xiegu X6100. It is a nice little thing that can do a lot! It can do 5W on battery power, SSB, CW, FM, AM, and of course Digital. One of the best things is that it has a built-in sound card. This means that you can hook it up to your laptop via USB-C without the need for additional interfaces.
Web applications
Since 2011 I have been running my own server. I use it to send and receive e-mail, host my website, do some programming. You know, the basic stuff.
Recently I was looking for a self-hosted calendar server and came across the awesome selfhosted Git repository. Among the calendar servers were some other nifty web applications you can host yourself.
TimeTagger is an app that lets you track the time you spend on stuff. I use it mainly for work stuff where I want to keep track of how much time I spend on various aspects of my work. When I start reading and answering e-mail, I start a TimeTagger activity. When I switch to writing some code I start a new activity. This allows me to record all my spent time during the day.
Programming the CRT Electro UV
Recently I wanted to add some repeaters to my CRT Electro UV. It is quite a cumbersome procedure.
Changing settings
- Enter the menu with
- Use
as up and down keys to browse through the menu - When you reach the setting, use
to enter the setting - Now you can use
to set the value - When all settings have been set correctly, use
to go back to the main screen
Storing the preset
- On the mic press
and then theUP
key on the mic - This puts you in "store" mode
- Use
on the mic to select the memory bank you want to store - Now long press
on the mic to store the preset in the memory bank
Setting repeater shift
Through the menu you can set the repeater offset. However, there is no option to set the repeater shift (+, -, off) through the menu.
You have to use A/Fun
+ 9/Rpt
to cycle through +, -, and off.
Velddag 2023
Zaterdag 2 september 2023 was het zo ver. Eindelijk was het weer velddag. Voor mij was het de allereerste keer dat ik erbij was. Voor anderen was het alweer de zoveelste keer. Aanwezig waren leden van Veron afdeling a04 - Amsterdam. De locatie was een stukje terrein van de golfclub in Zaandam. Zo ver buiten de stad zouden we nauwelijks last moeten hebben van QRM.
We verzamelden om 10 uur om op te bouwen. Er werd een legertent opgebouwd, een drie-elements yagi in elkaar gezet, en nog diverse draadantennes opgespannen.
PACC 2023 results
PACC 2023 results
This year I partook in the PACC Contest. I even wrote a post about it. The final results were posted in Electron this month.
My claimed score of my submitted log was 1830 points with 61 QSOs. After the logs were checked against all other submissions it appeared I had a few wrongly logged QSOs. My end score was: 1537 points. With that score I reached place 116 in the category Single Operator SSB Low Power (<100W).
PACC contest 2023
PACC contest 2023
This year I cleared my schedule entirely for the second weekend of Februari so that I could partake in the Dutch PACC contest. 24 hours where all antennas of the world are pointed in my direction! This was my chance to make some QSOs.
I’m not a hard-core contester. My goal wasn’t to make as many contacts as possible. I just wanted to take advantage of being a wanted station and get the opportunity to finally contact some other stations. I have partaken in the contest a few times before. The first time by accident, a few years ago because I had some free time that weekend. This year I held off all other activities and appointments.
WiFi on the Xiegu X6100
WiFi on the Xiegu X6100
So, I have this Xiegu X6100. It is basically a GNU/Linux machine running a dedicated radio application. I wanted to connect it to my WiFi network, but I could not manage to get it to connect.
I tried some different networks, and found out that it cannot connect to the WiFi if you have a space in the password. It just doesn’t want to connect. I got it to work from the command line. Here is what I did with my Macbook Pro and the radio.