Morse Beeper
I have been fascinated by morse code since I first came into contact with the airwaves. After I bought my first morse key I needed something to produce the beep when pressing down the key. That is when I built my own morse beeper with the help of some family members who are more proficiant in electronics.
The build
The beeper is quite simple (it was my first real soldering project so it wasn't supposed to be too complicated). It uses a NE-555 for the tone generation.
My morse beeper
SW1 is ofcourse the morse key. I placed a jackplug socket on that position, so I can plug in any jackplug equipped morse key. SW2 is the on/off switch to prevent battery drain. The entiry contraption is powered by a 9V-battery.
With R3 the tone-frequency is controlled. R4 controls the volume.
While building the beeper, I forgot to verify the pin-order of the NE555. I built the entiry thing, but it didn't work when I tested it. So I looked up the pin-order and saw that I got it the wrong way around. After fixing that it worked perfectly.
Before you try to build one, please check the pin-order in advance: 555_timer_IC Pins.
The diagram was made with I hope I got the symbols right