Alone Among the Stars is a single player table top journaling role playing game. You play an explorer that explores different planets. On each planet you encounter strange things. It is your job to log these discoveries in your log. You have to write down mini stories about what you discovered.
To play this game you need a deck of standard playing cards, a six sided die, and something to write your log in/on. You can write in on paper, or type it on a computer. What ever you want.
You start by rolling the die. This determines how many discoveries you will make on the planet. You draw this many cards from the deck, and place them face down.
The next step is do the discovery. You turn the first card and roll the die. The suit determines what you find (living creatures, strange plants, inanimate weirdness, ruins) and the number of the card determines where you find it (near a volcano, in the tree tops, etc). The die determines how difficult it was to find it (you had to search for it, you stumbled upon it, or it came to you).
Now you write your log entry of your discovery.
When you are done, you move on to the next discovery. Until you have done all cards for this planet.
Now it is time to move on to the next planet. Or you can go home. Whatever you like.
My missions
Here on this page you will find some of my log entries for the missions I have done.